Frequently Asked Questions

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What is DatumXpress?

Datum Express is a two-part AI-enabled system comprised of proprietary SMART templates that get pushed through the DX and integrates your data into QuickBooks Online. Think if it like an expressway sending your data into QuickBooks Online.

Why do I need this software?

Currently, the process to input data intoQuickbooks Online is very manual and error-prone. Datum Express allows you to seamlessly sync your data into QuickBooks Online and automates error detection to simplify your workflow.

How do I use DatumXpress?

Start by downloading relevant templates from our Template Library. Fill it with your information and push it through the dashboard. DatumXpress will perform double due diligence and validation in real time before pushing the data into QuickBooks Online.

How does this make error resolution faster?

Right now, QuickBooks Online only lets you QA one error at a time. Instead, Datum Express performs AI-enabled validation and due diligence and produces a comprehensive report identifying all errors that need to be resolved. Simply fix the errors and re-submit the files through the dashboard.

What is DatumXpress?

Datum Express is a two-part AI-enabled system comprised of proprietary SMART templates that get pushed through the DX and integrates your data into QuickBooks Online. Think if it like an expressway sending your data into QuickBooks Online.

How does it sync into QuickBooks online?

The system auto-detects and categorizes the SMART template types; performs advanced, multi-platform due-diligence and pushes the data into Quickbooks Online

Do I need to have financial knowledge to use DatumXpress?

No! It’s designed for the novice user all the way up to the CFO.  Simply follow the step-by-step instructions, upload your files and enjoy faster synced data.

I have multiple QuickBooks accounts. can I use this across my clients? 

Yes! DatumXpress is designed to support unlimited company accounts. Our pricing scale calculates the exact users and company profiles that you need so that you only pay for the licenses you use.

How is this priced?

Our base pricing is $25 / month for 1 QuickBooksOnline company and 1 user. From there, you can add on additional users and companies for an additional monthly fee.  

What templates are in the library?

We have two types of templates:

Type 1 are Account Configuration Templates.These are filled out and sent through the dashboard one-time to set up new clients in Quickbooks Online or to update core client details.

These include: Chart of Accounts, Classes,Customers, Department, Employees, Items | Products | Services, Vendors.

All type 1 files need to be uploaded first through the platform before any Type 2 templates can be pushed.

Type 2 are Ongoing Templates for existing clients. These can be uploaded once all Type 1 file data has been included.

These include:
Bills, Bill Payments, Credit Card Charges, Credit Card Credits,Deposits, Estimates, Invoices, Journal Entries, Purchase Orders, Purchases –Cash, Refund Receipts, Sales Receipts, Transfers, Time Activities, VendorCredits.

Note: Quickbooks Online has archived the following template functions: Locations, Checks, Credit Memos, Expenses and Receive Payments. These are now embedded within other template categories.

Type 3: These are accrual automation templates that let you create revenue & expense waterfalls, deferred revenue, prepaid assets, and fixed asset schedules.

Available type 3 templates include: Amortization, Depreciation and Pre-Paid Assets.

What is the difference between a Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3 template? 

Type 1 are client account templates used to set-up first time client accounts in Quickbooks Online or update core client details (i.e. adding a new vendor or customer).

Type 2 files are used for existing clients.

Type 3 files represent a bonus feature, letting you automate your accrual schedules.

What languages does this currently work for?

Currently, DatumXpress is only available in English. We have other languages coming soon.

How does DatumXpress pull data from Salesforce? 

Our algorithms pull data, auto-populate relevant templates and push the data into QuickBooks.

Additionally, our integration allows you to sync into your CRM in order to create deferred revenue schedules by importing contract data, allowing you to set your parameters before pushing into the dashboard and sending thorugh.

What other software does Datum Express integrate with?

DatumXpress currently integrates with Salesforce.

We are working on other integrations to streamline additional QuickBooks workflows.

Proprietary algorithms detect, categorize, and push data into QB